Root Canal Treatment
To give readers a step-by-step account and commonly asked queries about Root Canal treatment, we approached Dr Sujatha Shetty. Here is her version.
To give readers a step-by-step account and commonly asked queries about Root Canal treatment, we approached Dr Sujatha Shetty. Here is her version.
What? My child has a cavity! – Is often heard shocking reaction that most parents come up with – a mix of surprise and fear!
Today young parents wish to provide their children the best possible health services. parents have become more aware regarding their children’s oral health. The biggest dilemma of parents is that which toothbrush and toothpaste they should use to clean their children’s teeth because of the variety of oral hygiene products that are available in the market today.
“Some pain is physical… some is mental….. one which is both, is dental”, so goes the old adage.