Nature’s call
It is commonly heard people, especially girls and women, holding urinary urge till they reach home/ office with the explanation that they just CANNOT use public facilities (even in restaurants/ malls)!
It is commonly heard people, especially girls and women, holding urinary urge till they reach home/ office with the explanation that they just CANNOT use public facilities (even in restaurants/ malls)!
COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease What is COPD? It is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease;it is a progressively worsening, chronic affliction of the lungs where there is long standing (chronic) obstruction to normal flow of air. COPD describes progressive pulmonary (lung) disease including emphysema (permanent ballooning of the lung) and chronic bronchitis. It is characterized by gradually reducing airflow over… Read more →
Spiritual wellness is an integral part of overall wellness. It is about finding your place in the universe–the quest for meaning, value and purpose resulting in hope, joy, courage and gratitude. Spiritual Wellness is the evaluation of personal beliefs.
Although eyes help us carry on our daily chores and appreciate the beauty of the nature, they are one of the most abused organs of the body.
A 4 yr child was brought in by his parents with the complaint that he lies often and is such a glib liar that no one suspects him. Why does a child lie? &how should parents react? Well, it depends on age of the child and parents’ understanding of the lie. Whatever be the circumstance, parents have to keep a… Read more →
Breakfast as the term denotes (break+fast) is breaking the fast! Getting up in the morning after almost after 8-12 hours of the dinner, the last meal, our stomach is absolutely empty and, for sure,we will not be able to work on an empty stomach; hence the concept of breakfast! …as well as the adage ‘breakfast like a king, lunch like… Read more →
8th October 2014, TOI carried an article “Number of people affected with dengue in India maybe 300 times higher than what is officially reported: ICMR study”
Diabesity – a marriage of obesity and diabetes – as unhealthy as it can be! Diabesity is the union of our genes and our faulty lifestyle(s)! Both obesity and type-2 diabetes (diabesity) are a major global health problem.
As the name suggests it is a female specific cancer of the ovaries – there are two on either side of the uterus.
Simply put sibling rivalry is the feeling of enmity, jealousy or the competition between siblings (all permutations and combinations of brother and sister plus cousins)! Sibling rivalry usually starts after the birth of the second child but if first child is grown up may start with mother’s pregnancy as well.