Foot problems in infants
The newborn feet are two of the most complex structures in the body with a multitude of bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons making up a very flexible unit.
The newborn feet are two of the most complex structures in the body with a multitude of bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons making up a very flexible unit.
Stress & Corporate world are indivisible. Over the last decade or so, the corporate world has set high pay packages, great perks and affluent lifestyles to be norms rather than the exceptions. But all this comes with a free extra topping of stress, unbearable work pressure, unstable personal life and eventually loss of productivity to the very same Corporation!
Commonest cause of stress in life is ‘Failure to Adjust’ of ‘Failure to Adopt to Change’. In a girl’s llife beggest change occurs post marriage. Neha recounts her experiences of how she managed the changing / new relationships.
“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.” -anonymous
Just like every other aspect of healthcare including dental care in adults, dental care in kids is also purely triggered when a cavity has already occurred or some problem has occurred and all possibility of preventive care has been lost. Dental care in kids, ideally, begins at the birth of the child. Yes, even before first tooth has surfaced and… Read more →
A food pyramid is nothing but a pyramid shaped guide of healthy eating. It has major food groups divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group.
World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health as “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.