Borderline Diabetes
One should be cautious with Borderline Diabetes :
One should be cautious with Borderline Diabetes :
Recommended Daily Diet Ratios :
‘Washing hands has saved more lives than any medical breakthrough in a generation’ A 2012 headline in Daily Mail, UK. Major campaign towards hand washing began around that time and soap and alcohol bought for the purpose almost trebled! Lately, in India, a lot is being spoken about ‘washing hands’ – frequently and properly – both in print media as… Read more →
Blood Pressure Complications :
15th August, Times of India carried a news item on cover page, ‘1.7 million deaths due to too much salt in diet’ quoting a study by prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). It went on to add, ‘average consumption of salt across the globe was 3.95 gm per day, nearly double the 2 gm recommended by the World Health… Read more →
Infographic #1 Blood Pressure Statistics
Inability to sleep (insomnia) or Sleep Deprivation is one of the leading cause of stress. Some of the important, identifiable & preventable, reasons are Delaying going to bed till late; ensure adequate time in bed, free from interruptions and demands. Taking Laptop/Smart phone to bed thinking let me work till I feel sleepy. The bed is to be used for… Read more →
Till date Obesity was linked to hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks, stroke etc; Lately, conclusive research has shown that Obesity is a risk factor for Cancer as well.
A large percentage of youth in corporate India suffer from low backache; more than 80% of which can be categorized as Mechanical back pain. No time (inclination) for exercise, long hours of sitting in front of the screen and reliance on fast food makes youth put on weight/ fat. Lifecountz addresses this problem that ails the CEO of tomorrow.
On 8 August 2014, The Director-General of World Health Organization (WHO) accepted the assessment of the relevant committee and declared the Ebola outbreak in West Africa a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Lifecountz approached, Padmashree Prof Dr Alaka Deshpande, Hon Professor of Medicine, JJ group of Hospitals, Mumbai for a fact sheet on What? How? And When of Ebola…. Read more →