

Kirtan: Sound Meditation

Kirtan: Sound Meditation

Times of India carried a big write-up on benefits of age old Indian practice of Kirtan and equated it to Sound Meditation. This ancient Indian practice of Kirtan (where scores of people get together and jointly sing devotional / religious songs, led by a lead singer – one who is conducting the Kirtan) has come of age and has been… Read more →

Unhappy marriages lead to health issues!

Unhappy marriages lead to health issues!

Immature love says: “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says: “I need you because I love you.” -Erich Fromm   Researchers have, repeatedly, proven that unhappy and/ or hostile marriages are a risk factor for several health issues in the partners and has adverse effects on kids as well. Unhappy marriages means repeated marital conflicts and these… Read more →

Why Children Lie

Why Children Lie

A 4 yr child was brought in by his parents with the complaint that he lies often and is such a glib liar that no one suspects him. Why does a child lie? &how should parents react? Well, it depends on age of the child and parents’ understanding of the lie. Whatever be the circumstance, parents have to keep a… Read more →

Sibling rivalry

Sibling rivalry

Simply put sibling rivalry is the feeling of enmity, jealousy or the competition between siblings (all permutations and combinations of brother and sister plus cousins)! Sibling rivalry usually starts after the birth of the second child but if first child is grown up may start with mother’s pregnancy as well.

Corporate Stress - The invisible assassin

Corporate Stress – The invisible assassin

Stress & Corporate world are indivisible. Over the last decade or so, the corporate world has set high pay packages, great perks and affluent lifestyles to be norms rather than the exceptions. But all this comes with a free extra topping of stress, unbearable work pressure, unstable personal life and eventually loss of productivity to the very same Corporation!